Command Help
Command Example Description Who Can Use Plugin
Featured command
External plugin
/cherrypick [branch]
  • /cherrypick release-3.9
  • /cherry-pick release-1.15
  • /cherrypick release-1.6 release-1.5 release-1.4
Cherrypick a PR to a different branch. This command works both in merged PRs (the cherrypick PR is opened immediately) and open PRs (the cherrypick PR opens as soon as the original PR merges). If multiple branches are specified, separated by a space, a cherrypick for the first branch will be created with a comment to cherrypick the remaining branches after the first merges.
Members of the trusted organization for the repo.
Featured command
/test ?
  • /test ?
List available test job(s) for a trusted PR.
Anyone can trigger this command on a trusted PR.
Featured command
  • /retest
Rerun test jobs that have failed.
Anyone can trigger this command on a trusted PR.
Featured command
/test [|all]
  • /test all
  • /test pull-bazel-test
Manually starts a/all automatically triggered test job(s). Lists all possible job(s) when no jobs/an invalid job are specified.
Anyone can trigger this command on a trusted PR.
Featured command
  • /transfer-issue kubectl
  • /transfer test-infra
Transfers an issue to a different repo in the same org.
Org members.
Featured command
  • /retitle New Title
Edits the pull request or issue title.
Collaborators on the repository.
Featured command
/[remove-]lgtm [cancel] or GitHub Review action
Adds or removes the 'lgtm' label which is typically used to gate merging.
Collaborators on the repository. '/lgtm cancel' can be used additionally by the PR author.
Featured command
  • /check-cla
Forces rechecking of the CLA status.
Featured command
/[un]cc [[@]...|[@]...]
  • /cc
  • /uncc
  • /cc @spongebob
  • /cc spongebob patrick
  • /cc @kubernetes/sig-foo-bar
Requests a review from the user(s) or team(s).
Anyone can use the command, but the target user(s) must be a member of the org that owns the repository.
Featured command
/[un]assign [[@]...|[@]...]
  • /assign
  • /unassign
  • /assign @spongebob
  • /assign spongebob patrick
  • /assign @kubernetes/sig-foo-bar
Assigns assignee(s) or team(s) to the PR
Anyone can use the command, but the target user(s) must be an org member, a repo collaborator, or should have previously commented on the issue or PR.
Featured command
/[remove-]approve [no-issue|cancel]
  • /approve
  • /approve no-issue
  • /remove-approve
Approves a pull request
Users listed as 'approvers' in appropriate OWNERS files.
  • /auto-cc
Manually request reviews from reviewers for a PR. Useful if OWNERS file were updated since the PR was opened.
/meow(vie) [CATegory]
  • /meow
  • /meow caturday
  • /meowvie clothes
Add a cat image to the issue or PR
  • /woof
  • /bark
  • /this-is-{fine|not-fine|unbearable}
Add a dog image to the issue or PR
  • /honk
Add a goose image to the issue or PR
  • /help
  • /remove-help
  • /good-first-issue
  • /remove-good-first-issue
Applies or removes the 'help wanted' and 'good first issue' labels to an issue.
Anyone can trigger this command on a PR.
/[remove-][un]hold [cancel]
  • /hold
  • /hold cancel
  • /unhold
  • /remove-hold
Adds or removes the `do-not-merge/hold` Label which is used to indicate that the PR should not be automatically merged.
Anyone can use the /hold command to add or remove the 'do-not-merge/hold' Label.
  • /kind bug
  • /remove-area prow
  • /sig testing
  • /language zh
  • /label foo-bar-baz
Applies or removes a label from one of the recognized types of labels.
Anyone can trigger this command on issues and PRs. `triage/accepted` can only be added by org members. Restricted labels are only able to be added by teams and users in their configuration.
/close [not-planned]
  • /close
  • /close not-planned
Closes an issue or PR.
Authors and collaborators on the repository can trigger this command.
  • /reopen
Reopens an issue or PR
Authors and collaborators on the repository can trigger this command.
  • /lifecycle frozen
  • /remove-lifecycle stale
Flags an issue or PR as frozen/stale/rotten
Anyone can trigger this command.
/override [context1] [context2]
  • /override pull-repo-whatever
  • /override "test / Unit Tests"
  • /override ci/circleci
  • /override deleted-job other-job
Forces github status contexts to green (multiple can be given). If the desired context has spaces, it must be quoted.
Repo administrators.
/(pony) [pony]
  • /pony
  • /pony Twilight Sparkle
Add a little pony image to the issue or PR. A particular pony can optionally be named for a picture of that specific pony.
  • /release-note-none
Adds the 'release-note-none' label to indicate that the PR does not warrant a release note. This is deprecated and ideally the release note process should be followed in the PR body instead.
PR Authors and Org Members.
  • /release-note-edit ```release-note The new release note ```
Replaces the release note block in the top level comment with the provided one.
Org Members.
  • /shrug
  • /unshrug
Anyone, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • /skip
Cleans up GitHub stale commit statuses for non-blocking jobs on a PR.
Anyone can trigger this command on a PR.
  • /trick-or-treat
  • /trickortreat
Add a candy image to the issue or PR
  • /ok-to-test
Marks a PR as 'trusted' and starts tests.
Members of the trusted organization for the repo.
  • /verify-owners
  • /joke
Tells a joke.
Anyone can use the `/joke` command.